Practical Faith - “The Autopsy of a Dead Faith” (James 2:14-26)
Is your faith alive?
Most Christians likely will say, “Yes,” to that question. However, sometimes we can easily deceive ourselves into thinking our faith is alive and well, but it is, in fact, dead.
This Sunday morning at Maple Hill we will look at the common ways that we deceive ourselves into thinking that we have a living faith and, if we have fallen into that deception, how we can revive our dead faith into a living one.
Sunday Schedule (February 16, 2025)
9 AM - Worship. Sermon - Practical Faith: "The Autopsy of a Dead Faith” (James 2:14-26)
10:15 AM - Bible Classes for All Ages
5 PM - Worship. Derrick Edwards will speak to us on mental health.
Come join us as we explore how technology is impacting us.
Join us for a potluck lunch after our morning Bible Class!
Maple Hill’s theme passage for 2025 is
2 Corinthians 9:8.
Join us each week as we learn and grow in becoming stewards of His grace.
Explore the life of our church, including our vibrant ministries, upcoming events, and service opportunities.
Shelter Season has arrived. Your involvement is much needed as we help provide food and shelter during the winter months.
There are overnight hosting opportunities and other guest-related service opportunities available for our members to take part in.
Please consider how you can assist this important ministry that reaches out to the unhoused in our community. Sign up sheets are at the Member Connect Center.
If you have questions, please see Tom Brashear.
If you can cut or braid, this will be some FUN girl time for you!
We’ll take old tee shirts and turn them into jump ropes for Magi Box toys!
See Katie Tignor if you have questions.
Sunday, January 26, 1:30 - 3:30
Sunday, February 23, 1:30 - 3:30
Friday, March 28, 6:00 - 8:00
You are invited to join our brotherhood for a time of fellowship, singing, and devotional, plus a delicious meal prepared by our Ladies’ Ministry.
Saturday, February 15 @ 8:00 AM
Sign-up at the Members Connect Center.
Friday & Saturday, February 21 & 22
Franklin, TN
All Ladies are invited to attend this event, hosted by Healing Hands International.
Register with our MH group by January 31 to receive the Early Bird discount. Please see Donna Lawson or Meredith Davenport for additional information.
Click the link below for event details.
February 28 - March 2
The Retreat at Center Hill Lake
Speaker: Chris King
Cost: $225 per couple, includes lodging for two nights, plus four meals.
Sign up at Members’ Connect Center.
Make checks payable to Maple Hill or
pay via Breeze
If you have questions, contact Sandy Hubbard, Jordan Vanatta, or Stuart Simpson.
Our dedicated team of ministers, staff, and elders are here to provide spiritual guidance and support, as well as resources to help you on your faith journey.
Check out this month's events to find out what's happening and how you can be involved. Explore the full list of upcoming ministries and services.